RGraph: HTML5 canvas graph library - Horizontal bar chart documentation

The horizontal bar graph is minor variation on the bar chart which can be useful when you have larger labels, since you have more space available to you for them.

The example file is here.

    window.onload = function ()
        var data = [280,45,133,166,84,259,266,960,219,311];
        var hbar = new RGraph.HBar('myCanvas', data);
        hbar.Set('chart.labels', ['Richard', 'Alex', 'Nick', 'Scott', 'Kjnell', 'Doug', 'Charles', 'Michelle', 'Mark', 'Alison']);
        hbar.Set('chart.gutter', 45);
        hbar.Set('chart.background.barcolor1', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)');
        hbar.Set('chart.background.barcolor2', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)');
        hbar.Set('chart.background.grid', true);
        hbar.Set('chart.colors', ['rgba(255,0,0,1)']);

Available properties

You can use these properties to control how the bar graph apears. You can set them by using the Set() method. Eg:

myHBar.Set('name', 'value');

chart.gutter The gutter of the graph. This is the area outside of the X and Y axis - where the labels go. If you're short on space for your labels, try increasing this.
Default: 25
chart.colors An array of the colors of the actual bars.
Default: An array - ['rgb(0,0,255)', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0']
chart.background.barcolor1 The color of the background bars, (1 of 2).
Default: white
chart.background.barcolor2 The color of the background bars, (2 of 2).
Default: white
chart.background.grid Whether to show the background grid or not.
Default: true
chart.background.grid.color The color of the background grid.
Default: #ddd
chart.background.grid.hsize The horizontal background grid size.
Default: 40
chart.background.grid.vsize The vertical background grid size.
Default: 18
chart.background.grid.width The width that the background grid lines are. Decimals (eg 0.5) are permitted.
Default: 0.5
chart.background.grid.border Determines whether a border line is drawn around the grid.
Default: true
chart.background.grid.hlines Determines whether to draw the horizontal grid lines.
Default: true
chart.background.grid.vlines Determines whether to draw the vertical grid lines.
Default: true
chart.labels An array of the labels to be used on the graph.
Default: An empty array
chart.labels.above This is a boolean which if true, will cause labels to be shown to the right of the bars. (It's called "above" for API compatibility).
Default: false
chart.text.font The font used to render the text.
Default: Verdana
chart.text.color The color of the labels.
Default: black
chart.text.size The size (in points) of the labels.
Default: 10
chart.title The title of the graph, if any.
Default: null
chart.title.vpos This allows you to completely override the vertical positioning of the title. It should be a number between 0 and 1, and is multiplied with the gutter and then used as the vertical position. It can be useful if you need to have a large gutter.
Default: null
chart.title.color The color of the title.
Default: black
chart.xmax (Optional) An optional max figure for the X scale.
Default: none (one is calculated)
chart.axis.color The color of the axes.
Default: black
chart.grouping How the bars are grouped, and it should be one of: grouped or stacked
Default: grouped
chart.shadow Whether a small drop shadow is applied.
Default: false
chart.shadow.color The color of the shadow.
Default: #666
chart.shadow.offsetx The X offset of the shadow.
Default: 3
chart.shadow.offsety The Y offset of the shadow.
Default: 3
chart.shadow.blur The severity of the shadow blurring effect.
Default: 3
chart.yaxispos The position of the Y axis. Works with regular and grouped charts. Can be either center or left.
Default: left
chart.key An array of key information.
Default: [] (An empty array)
chart.key.background The color of the key background. Typically white, you could set this to something like rgba(255,255,255,0.7) to allow people to see things behind it.
Default: white
chart.key.position Determines the position of the key.Either graph (default), or gutter.
Default: graph
chart.key.shadow Whether a small drop shadow is applied to the key.
Default: false
chart.contextmenu An array of context menu items. You cannot have context menus AND tooltips, only one or the other. More information on context menus is here.
Default: [] (An empty array)
chart.units.pre The units that the X axis is measured in. This string is displayed BEFORE the actual number, allowing you to specify values such as "$50".
Default: none
chart.units.post The units that the X axis is measured in. This string is displayed AFTER the actual number, allowing you to specify values such as "50ms".
Default: none
chart.vmargin The vertical margin that is applied to each individual bar.
Default: 3
chart.strokestyle The color of the outlines of the bars.
Default: black
chart.tooltips An array of tooltips for the chart.
Default: An empty array
chart.tooltip.effect The visual effect used when showing tooltips. Can be either fade or expand.
Default: fade
chart.annotatable Whether annotations are enabled for the chart (ie you can draw on the chart interactively.
Default: false
chart.annotate.color If you do not allow the use of the palette, then this will be the only colour allowed for annotations.
Default: black
chart.zoom.mode Can be used to control whether the zoom is in thumbnail or canvas mode. Possible values are: thumbnail and canvas.
Default: canvas
chart.zoom.factor This is the factor that the graph will be zoomed by (bigger values means more zoom)
Default: 1.5
chart.zoom.fade.in Whether the zoomed canvas fades in or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.
Default: true
chart.zoom.fade.out Whether the zoomed canvas fades out or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.
Default: true
chart.zoom.hdir The horizontal direction of the zoom. Possible values are: left, center, right
Default: right
chart.zoom.vdir The vertical direction of the zoom. Possible values are: up, center, down
Default: down
chart.zoom.delay The delay (in milliseconds) between frames.
Default: 50
chart.zoom.frames The number of frames in the zoom animation.
Default: 10
chart.zoom.shadow Whether or not the zoomed canvas has a shadow or not.
Default: true
chart.zoom.thumbnail.width When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, this is the width (in pixels) of the thumbnail.
Default: 75
chart.zoom.thumbnail.height When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, this is the height (in pixels) of the thumbnail.
Default: 75