The line graph, along with the bar chart, is probably the most configurable of all the charts available.
The example file is here.
<script> window.onload = function () { var data = [10,4,17,50,25,19,20,25,30,29,30,29]; var line = new RGraph.Line("myLine", data); line.Set('chart.background.barcolor1', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'); line.Set('chart.background.barcolor2', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'); line.Set('chart.background.grid.color', 'rgba(238,238,238,1)'); line.Set('chart.colors', ['rgba(255,0,0,1)']); line.Set('chart.linewidth', 2); line.Set('chart.filled', true); line.Set('chart.hmargin', 5); line.Set('chart.labels', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']); line.Set('chart.border', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'); line.Set('chart.gutter', 40); line.Draw(); } </script>
You can combine the Bar and Line charts with a bit of magic. It's actually quite easy to do. Find out more here. In the same vain, you can have Y axes on both the left and right.
You can use these properties to control how the bar graph apears. You can set them by using the Set() method. Eg:
myLine.Set('name', 'value');
chart.gutter | The gutter of the graph. This is the bit of the graph that the labels are in. Default: 25 |
chart.background.barcolor1 | The color of the background bars (1 of 2). Default: rgba(0,0,0,0) |
chart.background.barcolor2 | The color of the background bars (2 of 2). Default: rgba(0,0,0,0) |
chart.background.grid | Whether to show the background grid or not. Default: true |
chart.background.grid.color | The color of the background grid. Default: #eee |
chart.background.hbars | An array of information stipulating horizontal colored bars. You can use these to indicate limits. Eg: myLine.Set('hbars', [[75, 10, 'yellow'], [85, 15, 'red']]); This would give you two bars, one red and a lower yellow bar. The units correspond to your scale, and are the starting point and the height. Default: null |
chart.background.grid.hsize | The horizontal size of the grid. Default: 25 |
chart.background.grid.vsize | The vertical size of the grid. Default: 25 |
chart.background.grid.width | The width of the background grid. Default: 1 |
chart.background.grid.border | Determines whether a border line is drawn around the grid. Default: true |
chart.background.grid.hlines | Determines whether to draw the horizontal grid lines. Default: true |
chart.background.grid.vlines | Determines whether to draw the vertical grid lines. Default: true |
chart.colors | An array of line colors. Default: ['#f00', '#0f0', '', '#00f', '#f0f', '#ff0', '#0ff'] |
chart.linewidth | The width of the line (ie the actual line on the line graph). Note: If your line is stepped and filled, and you don't want a trailing line indicating the last value, you can set this to zero. Default: 1 |
chart.border.color | The color of the border of the graph. If you're not displaying the background grid, you will probably want to set this to false (ie turn it off). Default: #090 |
chart.hmargin | The size of the horizontal margin. This is on the inside of the axes. Default: 0 |
chart.tickmarks | What kind of tickmarks to use on the graph. This can be:
Note that "arrow" and "filledarrow" look better with a thinner (1 or 2) linewidth setting. Default: null |
chart.xticks | The number of X tickmarks. Default: null (linked to number of datapoints) |
chart.ticksize | The size of the tick marks. This only affects certain styles of tickmarks. Default: 3 |
chart.tickdirection | Whether the ticks are above or below the axis. Default: -1 (-1 is below, 1 is above) |
chart.axis.color | The color of the axes. Default: black |
chart.filled | Whether the area under the graph is filled or not. This looks best when there is no horizontal margin. Default: false |
chart.filled.range | This is useful for indicating a range. Exactly two datasets are required, with the space between them filled. This is useful for indicating a range.The line chart examples page demonstrates this in action. Default: false |
chart.xaxispos | The position of the X axis. It can be either bottom or center. Default: bottom |
chart.yaxispos | Specifies the Y axis position. Can be left or right. Default: left |
chart.text.size | The size of the text (in points). Default: 10 |
chart.text.angle | The angle of the horizontal text labels (at the bottom of the graph). This can be one of three values - 0, 45 or 90. Default: 0 (Horizontal) |
chart.text.font | The font used to render the text. Default: Verdana |
chart.text.color | The color of the labels. Default: black |
chart.shadow | If true a shadow will be applied to the line. Default: false |
chart.shadow.color | The color of the shadow. Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) |
chart.shadow.offsetx | The X offset in pixels for the shadow. Default: 3 |
chart.shadow.offsety | The Y offset in pixels for the shadow. Default: 3 |
chart.shadow.blur | The severity of the shadow blurring effect. Default: 3 |
chart.tooltips | These are tooltips for the line(s). It should be an array of tooltips. If you have multiple lines, simply pass multiple arrays to the Set() method. Default: [] (An empty array) |
chart.tooltip.effect | The animated effect used for showing tooltips. Can be either fade or expand. Default: fade | | This is the color of the BORDER around the dot/borderedcircle style tickmarks. Default: #fff |
chart.title | The title of the chart. Default: none |
chart.title.vpos | This allows you to completely override the vertical positioning of the title. It should be a number between 0 and 1, and is multiplied with the gutter and then used as the vertical position. It can be useful if you need to have a large gutter. Default: null |
chart.title.color | The color of the title. Default: black |
chart.stepped | Draws the line as stepped. Useful for showing stock performance for example. Default: false |
chart.key | An array of key information. Default: [] (An empty array) |
chart.key.background | The color of the key background. Typically white, you could set this to something like rgba(255,255,255,0.7) to allow people to see things behind it. Default: white |
chart.key.position | Determines the position of the key.Either graph (default), or gutter. Default: graph |
chart.key.shadow | Whether a small drop shadow is applied to the key. Default: false |
chart.noaxes | Whether the axes are drawn Default: false (the axes ARE drawn) | | The units (if any) that the Y axis is measured in (gets appended to the number) Default: none |
chart.units.pre | The units (if any) that the Y axis is measured in (gets preppended to the number) Default: none |
chart.scale.decimals | Determines the precision of the numbers used as the scale. Default: 0 |
chart.ymax | The optional maximum Y scale value. If not specified then it will be calculated. Default: null (It's calculated) |
chart.crosshairs | If true, you will get a crosshair centering on the current mouse position. Default: false |
chart.crosshairs.color | The color of the crosshairs. Default: #333 |
chart.contextmenu | An array of context menu items. Unlike the bar chart, you CAN have context menus at the same time as tooltips. More information on context menus is here. Default: [] (An empty array) |
chart.annotatable | Whether annotations are enabled for the chart (ie you can draw on the chart interactively. Default: false |
chart.annotate.color | If you do not allow the use of the palette, then this will be the only color allowed for annotations. Default: black |
chart.fillstyle | A single color or an array of colors that filled line charts will use. Important: This used to be a string, and still can be, but can now also be an array. Default: null |
chart.axesontop | A minor option, this sets the axes to be redrawn after the graph has been drawn. This is only useful in a certain set of circumstances - the graph is filled and the line width is small. Default: false |
chart.variant | At present this can only be 3d, and gives a small 3D effect. Default: null |
chart.zoom.mode | Can be used to control whether the zoom is in thumbnail or canvas mode. Possible values are: thumbnail and canvas. Default: canvas |
chart.zoom.factor | This is the factor that the graph will be zoomed by (bigger values means more zoom) Default: 1.5 | | Whether the zoomed canvas fades in or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode. Default: true |
chart.zoom.fade.out | Whether the zoomed canvas fades out or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode. Default: true |
chart.zoom.hdir | The horizontal direction of the zoom. Possible values are: left, center, right Default: right |
chart.zoom.vdir | The vertical direction of the zoom. Possible values are: up, center, down Default: down |
chart.zoom.delay | The delay (in milliseconds) between frames. Default: 50 |
chart.zoom.frames | The number of frames in the zoom animation. Default: 10 |
chart.zoom.shadow | Whether or not the zoomed canvas has a shadow or not. Default: true |
chart.zoom.thumbnail.width | When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, this is the width (in pixels) of the thumbnail. Default: 75 |
chart.zoom.thumbnail.height | When the zoom is in thumbnail mode, this is the height (in pixels) of the thumbnail. Default: 75 |
chart.ylabels | Can be true or false and determines whether the chart has Y axis labels. Default: true |