premier precedent listes suivant dernier
Liste de tortures

The prisoner will be:
Bluned on ye Grunions
and krelled on his Grotts
Ye legges will be twergled
and pulled thru’ ye motts!

His Nukes will be Fongled
split thrice on yon Thulls
Then laid on ye Quottle
and hung by ye Bhuls!

Twice thocked on the Phneflic,
Yea broggled thrice twee.
Ye moggs wiIl be grendled
and stretched six foot three!

By now, if ye victim
show not ye sorrow,
Send him home. Tell him,
"Come back to-morrow"

From a document found in the Archives of Bude Monastery during a squirting excavation. It shows a complete list of tortures, approved by the Ministry of Works in the year 1438, for failure to pay leg tithe, or sockage.

Communiqué par feu Spike Milligan et François J. Bayard. Turbine "Invincible" trouvée dans les archives de la fondation Wittgenstein par Adele W.
Envoyez vos tortures.

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